How can I improve compensating behavior

How can I improve compensating behavior

Before the release the baby usually had to drink in a different and compensating way for a long time. The baby already drank the amniotic fluid in the womb with a tongue tie. Sometimes a baby has a lot of tension in the jaws, the baby seems to bite the breast or bottle. Possibly there is a quivering chin (because of the muscle tension) present and the baby could not open his mouth  to latch on. In this video (link) you can see how you can help the baby relax the jaws.

During feeding, a baby can also overstretch or have a preferred position. These sometimes very tense jaw muscles and other muscles in the mouth, throat, and neck area can be helped to relax. You want to give the baby a signal that compensation is no longer needed and that he or she can start drinking differently. Babies with colic or babies who cry extensively also benefit from the possible treatment of a professional such as a physiotherapist, chiropractor, osteopath or manual therapist who has completed a degree at the university. These therapists can help to overcome compensating behavior. Check if the therapist sees many babies and that they check the mouth / neck area especially.

Also look at this page of therapists for addresses of other care providers who use their expertise to further assist the baby in motor development such as the physiotherapist (fysiotherapeut) who teaches you how to apply therapy in your daily care at home, the speech therapist (logopedist) for further development of ​​use of the tongue and mouth with (bottle) drinking, eating solids and talking, the lactation consultant IBCLC (lactatiekundige) for further remediation of breastfeeding problems.

Case studies and research chiropractic and manual therapy:

Dutch case study, breastfeeding problems and chiropractic treatment.

http://www.enhancedentistry.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Chiropractic-and-Breastfeeding.pdf 114 case studies.

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